Lemon Banana Cream Pie
W H E N • L I F E • G I V E S • Y O U • L E M O N S
Make . . . .
Lemon Banana Cream Pie!
Every day movements…?
Food = energy = movement. The coronavirus has an immense impact on the world and all our (every day) movements. Movements that before were so normal. Moves we took for granted and were not even aware of. Like doing groceries together, biking with your friends to school, sneezing because the rays of the sun were catching your nose and eyes (I always hoped to sneeze three times for good weather, now I don’t dare to sneeze at all…), taking dance classes, go to the gym, going out with friends, visiting grandparents, enjoying a drink in the spring-sun on the terras, going to a festival or travel around the country, around the world
But also the smaller movements, rather gestures, like an embrace, a hug, a hand, a pat on the back, a kiss… Movements that give support and love. All are not possible right now. That’s very hard and very sour… Especially in times and situations we need them so much!
If you want to make this pie, scroll down this page for the recipe
Dance snack assignment = lemonchallenge!
In the beginning of this year my dance students from Bachelor Docent Dance – Artez got an assignment to develop healthy energising dance snacks. But since there’s no dance classes at school, no dance teaching etc. I’d like to throw that assignment overboard and swop it for this one >> #lemonchallenge!
Because no matter the sour taste of these Corona lemons, we all have to deal with it and make the best of the situation we are in. We can only do that together! By staying positive, taking good care of ourselves and each other, by being creative, staying home, working from home, keep active and eat nutritious foods. So, let’s do something positive and take and accept that sourness and change it into a sweet fun challenge!
Lemons by the way contain a lot of vitamin C! More than broccoli or carrots per 100g. Plus lemons are a great ingredient for fresh, sweet or savoury snacks!
With this challenge, I hope your stay-at-home days will be filled with a little more creative laughter and the smell of freshly baked yumminess. Including some great cooking movements of course!
Challenge accepted? Share your happy lemon!
I hope you and many others accept this #lemonchallenge and share your happy lemon snack on your instagram account with your followers, fellow students, partner, friends, family – everyone who loves a challenge!!!
There are only two rules: 1) it has the be edible and 2) contain at least 1 lemon. How? That’s up to you! Be creative!
So… When life gives you lemons, what do YOU make?
Share your recipe on instagram and use #lemonchallenge. Tag me (@karin_lambrechtse) and @artez_ba_docentdans in your post. Then we’ll share it again! Let’s spread those happy lemons!
Recipe time!
Click on the link below to open a pdf of the recipe. Enjoy!